Baptist Health

  • Hospital/Urgent Care/Clinic
6264 West Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33067
(954) 837-1384
(954) 837-1011 (fax)
URGENT CARE: 11:00a.m. - 11:00p.m., Daily
DIAGNOSTIC CENTER: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., M - F
  • About

    Conveniently located throughout South Florida, Baptist Medical Plazas and outpatient facilities provide cutting-edge surgical, diagnostic and urgent care services in a comfortable relaxing environment

  • Whom to Contact

  • Directions

    6264 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33067 Pass Turtle Creek Drive and make the first left (Terrapin Lane) into the shopping plaza. Baptist Medical Plaza will be on the left.